I consider myself a "seasoned pro" of surgical recovery. If you're looking for an alternative to sending flowers or a card (which are always lovely ideas!) here are a few I've found especially helpful or unique!
My cousin sent me a jar of Kind Notes after my most recent surgery and they really made an impact. Inside an adorable jar are thirty notes with encouraging sayings in cute little envelopes. They gave me something to look forward to opening every day for that first month of recovery. Also, Team Notes was kind enough to set up a discount code for you to use! Use code TEAMJO at checkout for 15% off your order!
2. Mini-fridges: these are so great for so many reasons. When I was recovering from my amputation, it honestly helped to keep me safe by saving me steps on crutches. Cold water and healthy snacks were within reach. Here are a few I would recommend:
Whatever you might be recovering from, both heating and ice packs are valuable. I found that after a week on the couch, my back and neck would get sore - so I would use my heating pad. For post-surgery ice routine, while I could try to fill up ice trays, having an ice pack with velcro for easy use was so much simpler. They froze so much faster and I was able to avoid the mess of melting ice. Either option makes for a great gift!
Ice Pack I Use: https://amzn.to/2Cz1DOj
Heating Pad I Use: https://amzn.to/2SXxteU
4. Bullet Journal
I took up bullet journaling about a year ago and it has not only helped me organize my life but provided a creative outlet. Bullet journaling is whatever you want it to be - a place to doodle, to write to-do lists, organize your week, plan your year, and more. You can get as creative and extravagant, or keep it as plan and simple as you like. Its a great activity for sitting down and helped me plan out easy, attainable tasks for each day as I established a new normal after surgery.
Bullet Journal! https://amzn.to/2CMQ5aq
Bullet Journal Colored Pens! https://amzn.to/2Um6aLA
5. Audible Subscription. While binge watching TV shows is a mainstay of recovery for me, being able to relax, close my eyes, and listen to a story is so helpful.
Subscriptions start at $14.95 a month!
14,000 Things to Be Happy About! https://amzn.to/2UhNoVq
Practice You Journal & Workbook! https://amzn.to/2Tm5NAF
Learn Calligraphy! https://amzn.to/2MxeaXp
Easy Calligraphy Pens! https://amzn.to/2Myhhy8